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Dalit Panthers: An Authoritative History

By J.V. Pawar, Forward Press, 248 pages, Rs 500 (hardback), Rs 275 (paperback), Rs 100 (e-book)

‘JV is the encyclopaedia of the post-Ambedkar Dalit movement. One of the founders of the Dalit Panther, he never sought the limelight, unlike the others, but remained committed to the Ambedkarite movement and true to his own conviction.’

­– Dr Anand Teltumbde

‘We created so many things but JV documented the movement. If someone other than us or JV had documented it, the history of the movment would certainly have been distorted.’

– Shahir Sambhaji Bhagat



Here, finally in English, is the authoritative history of the Dalit Panther movement. Dhale and Dhasal have already published their versions. So what makes Pawar’s “autobiography” of the Dalit Panthers the authoritative history? Firstly, he was one of the two fathers of the movement, giving the new group its now famous name. As general secretary of the group he maintained all the correspondence and documentation. In addition, he had access to the government of Maharashtra archives, including both police as well as intelligence reports on the Panthers during its short existence.

What Pawar humbly calls a “sketchy history” of the Panthers actually puts the organization and movement within the context of post-Ambedkar Dalit society in Maharashtra, particularly its issues and challenges – socio-economic, political and, above all, psychological. This is where the skills of a novelist (author of Balidaan) serve to put flesh and blood on the bones of dry historical facts.

This volume in English makes this critical work available to students of modern Indian history and especially of subaltern Dalit movements. There are many valuable lessons for all Bahujan activists. No personal or academic library will be complete without it.

-Ivan Kostka, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, FORWARD Press 

Where to buy

Bulk orders:

fpbooks@forwardpress.in Phone: 7827427311


On Amazon:

Hardback: https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B079HXK9PD

Paperback: https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B079HZ51SN

E-book: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07951BDFC


On Flipkart:

Paperback: https://www.flipkart.com/dalit-panthers-authoritative-history/p/itmffyrjrjh5grzz


‘Dalit Panthers’ in Forward Press

The Dalit Panther as a convergence of hope and rage

Dalit Panther: A call to fight for Dalit identity


‘Dalit Panthers’ in the media

Excerpt: Dalit Panthers; An Authoritative History by JV Pawar

Excerpt: Chapter on the blinding of the Gavai brothers from Dalit Panthers: An Authoritative History

Interview: The Name Dalit Panthers Was Synonymous With Justice for the Poor

Examining the Evolution of Dalit Politics

How India’s Dalits had to cope when the backlash began after Ambedkar’s death

About The Author

Forward Press

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