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Joy to the World!

So to those who call themselves followers of Christ, we need to search our hearts. If our hearts are full of prejudice towards those of another caste, another religion or another race, then there’s something not quite right with us, writes Dr Silvia Kostka

Another year is about to end. We are about to enter 2025. It seems the pandemic is well behind us. The virus of Covid 19 is under control. On the other hand we find that another pandemic has taken hold of our world. Two viruses are spreading. The virus of fear and the virus of hatred. Maybe one feeds off the other. It’s easier to fear and hate those who are different from us, rather than make the effort to try and understand them, put ourselves in their shoes, even love them.

A year has passed since I wrote “Lasting peace”, and two horrible wars still rage on. Hundreds of thousands have been killed. Parents have wept over the bodies of their sons and daughters. Men and women have grieved the loss of their spouses. Children have been left orphans. A new generation will grow up hating those who killed their parents and siblings. 

Even in countries which are not in war zones there’s increasing division and hatred. Even in countries which have been influenced by the Bible, we are seeing a lack of compassion for the “other”. What is wrong with the human race? Is it because of digital media that we are now more aware of the terrible behaviour of fellow human beings? Have we always been like this?

A glimpse of Christlikeness: In South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was formed in 1995 under the chairmanship of Archbishop Desmond Tutu to unearth the facts of the human rights violations that occurred during the Apartheid and heal the divisions between the Whites and the People of Colour.

In Matthew 1:21, we read the announcement that Mary would give birth to a son, Jesus, who would save His people from their sins. It appears, our creator, well aware of our selfishness, was making a way to redeem us. He was stepping into humanity with one express purpose. To take on our sins. To die in our place. Christmas happened but the intent was Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The birth was necessitated by the death and resurrection. The beauty was that He did not die for perfect people. Romans 5:28 tells us that He died for us while we were still His enemies. It might be possible to die for a friend. But to lay down one’s life for an enemy is supernatural. The human heart is not capable of such supreme love. And it is only with the spirit of Jesus Christ that we can be empowered to love those we would naturally hate.

So to those who call themselves followers of Christ, we need to search our hearts. If our hearts are full of prejudice towards those of another caste, another religion or another race, then there’s something not quite right with us. And to those who are not followers but want to conquer fear and hatred in their lives, the only way is through the Spirit of Jesus. 

I began to follow the Lord Jesus in 1993. In this 31-year journey, I have changed much. Have I become perfect? Far from it! I am still a work in progress. He promises me that when I finally meet Him face to face is when I achieve perfection, when I will be like Him. But I can testify that I enter 2025 without fear or hatred in my heart. I enter 2025 with His Love, His Joy, His Peace.

And this I wish not only to my brothers and sisters in India but to all the world! May 2025 indeed be a Happy New Year!

Forward Press also publishes books on Bahujan issues. Forward Press Books sheds light on the widespread problems as well as the finer aspects of Bahujan (Dalit, OBC, Adivasi, Nomadic, Pasmanda) society, culture, literature and politics. Contact us for a list of FP Books’ titles and to order. Mobile: +917827427311, Email: info@forwardmagazine.in)

About The Author

Dr Silvia Kostka

Dr Silvia Kostka is a retired plastic surgeon and co-founder, Forward Press

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