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Seminal role of Dalit-OBCs in development of language and literature
Scripts were invented by painters and sculptors, and not scholars. Not only in India but in civilizations the world over, paintings and sculptures predated the emergence of scripts. And who were these painters and sculptors?...
‘Sahitya Akademi has brought itself honour by honouring Sanjeev’
In his more than a dozen novels, Sanjeev has depicted the reality of the post-Independence Indian society. The issues and topics that he has explored include deprivation faced by the Adivasis, the caste system, anti-people...
In his ‘Ambedkar: A Life’, Shashi Tharoor betrays his privileged-caste naivete
After coming out with ‘Why I Am A Hindu’, Tharoor has predictably set out to look for Ambedkar’s ‘flaws’ in his biography of Ambedkar, writes Sumit
Phanishwar Nath Renu – who gave centrality to the toilers of ‘the provinces’
Renu took the genre of reportage to new heights in Hindi literature. No one has been able to match him to date. In his very first reportage ‘Vidapat Naach’, he introduced readers to the glorious...
Rajesh Paswan: Criticism within Dalit Literature is still in its infancy
Our Dalit writers don’t take criticism well. They begin enquiring about the caste and ideology of the critic....
Memoir: When Rajendra Yadav visited Gorakhpur
Both Rajendra Yadav and Namvar Singh participated in a seminar on Premchand in Gorakhpur University. At the seminar,...
War cry for true socialism in Dalitbahujan poetry of 1960-1980
While poets with Dalit consciousness were identifying the Bahujan as the proletariat, the Marxists had no respect for...
‘Dalit autobiographies are like rock inscriptions bearing Dalit history’
These autobiographies tell us where the Dalits stood in terms of the human development index, their lifestyle, what...
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